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Episode Reviews

So what'd you think of last night's show?

Here I'll write reviews of each episode of my favorite show. If the show has been on for a while, I might also include annotated descriptions of past episodes on this page.

Here's an example of a format I might use for my show reviews.

Air date: 2/14/00

A demon gives Buffy the ability to overhear thoughts, and she uncovers a plot for a mass murder at Sunnydale High.

This was the episode that they didn't show last season because of Columbine, and though I was angry at the networks at the time I have to say that I think it was the right decision. It's a pretty good episode, and has some good one-liners from Xander, but in that atmosphere it's hard not to think of it as a little glib and even exploitative.

Grade (on a scale of 10): 6

Favorite Episode

In this area I'll talk about my all-time favorite episode. I'll try to explain why I think it's the best and why it's important to me personally.